As Satan by craft has corrupted the most holy ordinances of God’s precepts (I mean of the first table, in the place of the spiritual honouring of God), introducing men’s dreams, inventions, and fantasies; so has he, abusing the weakness of man, corrupted this precept of the second table, touching the honour which is due to parents, under whom are comprehended princes and teachers. For now the devil has so blinded the senses of many that they cannot, or at the least will not, learn what appertains to God and what to Caesar. But because the Spirit of God has said, “Honour the king,” therefore whatsoever they command, be it right or wrong, [they think it] must be obeyed. But heavy shall be the judgment which shall apprehend such blasphemers of God’s majesty, who dare be so bold as to affirm that God has commanded any creature to be obeyed against himself. Against God it is that, for the commandment of any prince (be he never so potent), men shall commit idolatry, embrace a religion which God has not approved by his word, or confirm by their silence wicked and blasphemous laws made against the honour of his Majesty. Men, I say, that so do, give no true obedience; but as they are apostates from God, so are they traitors to their princes, whom by flattery they confirm in rebelling against God.
Only they which to the death resist such wicked laws and decrees are acceptable to God, and faithful to their princes…
This is excerpted from Knox’s Letter to the Queen Dowager, Regent of Scotland (Augmented Version) 1558.
Only they which to the death resist such wicked laws and decrees are acceptable to God, and faithful to their princes…
This is excerpted from Knox’s Letter to the Queen Dowager, Regent of Scotland (Augmented Version) 1558.