Saturday, February 2, 2008

Knox Cited Again!

As Satan by craft has corrupted the most holy ordinances of God’s precepts (I mean of the first table, in the place of the spiritual honouring of God), introducing men’s dreams, inventions, and fantasies; so has he, abusing the weakness of man, corrupted this precept of the second table, touching the honour which is due to parents, under whom are comprehended princes and teachers. For now the devil has so blinded the senses of many that they cannot, or at the least will not, learn what appertains to God and what to Caesar. But because the Spirit of God has said, “Honour the king,” therefore whatsoever they command, be it right or wrong, [they think it] must be obeyed. But heavy shall be the judgment which shall apprehend such blasphemers of God’s majesty, who dare be so bold as to affirm that God has commanded any creature to be obeyed against himself. Against God it is that, for the commandment of any prince (be he never so potent), men shall commit idolatry, embrace a religion which God has not approved by his word, or confirm by their silence wicked and blasphemous laws made against the honour of his Majesty. Men, I say, that so do, give no true obedience; but as they are apostates from God, so are they traitors to their princes, whom by flattery they confirm in rebelling against God.

Only they which to the death resist such wicked laws and decrees are acceptable to God, and faithful to their princes…

This is excerpted from Knox’s Letter to the Queen Dowager, Regent of Scotland (Augmented Version) 1558.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Crypto-Romanists in the Garden

We recently came across an article that created some interest and concern that we felt compelled to comment on. The article in view here is a review of the movie Bella contributed by one Eric Rauch contained in the December 2007 edition of American Vision’s monthly publication Biblical Worldview. In the review, Rauch gives his positive critique of the movie, the content of which is adamantly pro-life, and quite effective in its presentation. Bella, he notes, was produced by a Roman Catholic film production company. However, interlaced with his critique of the movie itself is a not so subtle criticism of the abilities of Protestants to create good cinema.

Rauch complains that Protestants are hamstrung by their emphasis on and commitment to word based faith. This, he says, results in “dry, preachy, and surface-level films”. On the other hand, he admires the Romanist ability to communicate in symbols, ritual, and imagery. He provides some additional support in the form of quotes from a Dr. Thom Parhan, apparently an associate professor of film at Asuza Pacific University, who is likewise enthralled by these abilities which he argues are the result of three tenets of Romanists: an intuitive understanding of iconography, a grasp of the incarnational function of art, and their understanding of the sacramental nature of life. All in all, both men seem to argue for the perceived virtues and world view of Romanism over the dry, dusty, and narrow view of word-based Protestantism.

All of this is quite interesting, especially in view of the similar ideas expressed by Jeffrey J. Meyers in his book The Lord’s Service, in which he lays out his argumentation for what has become known as covenant renewal worship. In his book Meyers argues that rather than worship, and liturgical practices in particular, being informed by the revelation of the Word, our understanding of the Word needs to be defined by, and learned from, our liturgical practices. And where are these practices to be themselves acquired? Why, from Rome, Eastern Orthodoxy, and maybe some Lutherans. There does seem to be something odd going on here.

Historic Protestantism has always been focused on the Word. This is simply because the Bible itself is presented to us in such a fashion, and assumes both the Word Incarnate and the Word inspired as being the harmonious declaration of what God has given us to know about Him and His ways in this life. On the other hand, iconography and other image representations of Him are strictly forbidden. Why do we need some sort of “work around” for this sort of thing? If these men want to argue for the superiority of Rome and others in relation to imagery, ritual, and symbolism, they are going to have to prove far more than they have so far with their critiques of what they consider to be lackluster abilities of Protestants in art and idolatry.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

God Owns the Blues

I simply need to deviate from the normal vein of commentary here to make mention of a fine packet of music that was given to me as a gift during the just passed Christmas celebration. What I am referring to is a two CD package titled Trimmed and Burnin & Slow Burn by Glenn Kaiser and Darrell Mansfield. If you are anything like me, the last time you heard or saw anything of Glenn Kaiser was when the Resurrection Band was still touring. Well, Mr. Kaiser has been busy in the interim, and this effort with Mansfield is a winner. The copyright on the back of the CD case says 2002, so I may be doing a bunch of catch up here, but I had no idea that anything like this was being done by Christian musicians.

Trimmed and Burnin & Slow Burn is an acoustic album with the artists performing a collection of Delta style blues. The catch is that the numbers are all what we would normally consider to be “gospel”. And that they are, but done in a wonderful and intense blues format. Kaiser and Mansfield are able to infuse this collection with an intensity and emotion that makes you believe the confessions of faith that underlie all of it. The vocals, guitars, and harp are all well done and demonstrate the skill of these two musicians.

But here is something important. The album makes absolutely no apologies for its church based, gospel roots. After all, historically speaking, the black churches in the South were the incubators for both the blues and jazz. This collaboration demonstrates this without the boring sentimentality of so much “gospel” music, and does so in an intense, masculine, and full-of-faith manner that draws the listener right in. This is quite refreshing, as most of our fellow Reformed brethren are seemingly captivated only by music written in the 16th and 17th century, denying practically that the musical expressions of the Gospel have made any progress or produced any variations worthy of our attentions since that era. So, I heartily recommend that my fellow saints in Reformedom give this one a listen. If this doesn’t affect you to the point that you can at least tap your feet a bit, and enjoy the soulful declarations of faith, then perhaps you should be a little concerned about being one of the frozen chosen.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Drinks on the House!

We want everyone to know that the coupon program for the purchase of digital television converter boxes is now under way. This program will provide the applicant with up to two $40 coupons (per family) to purchase converters for the new digital television transmissions that the Federal government has required to supercede the current analog transmissions in early 2009. We suggest that you hurry up and apply for yours right away. You can locate the program by connecting with This has got to be too good to be true! Imagine government subsidies of entertainment! Imagine not being able to receive any television images without a new converter!! Hmmmmm….

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation

What follows here is primarily intended as being addressed to those who are my peers, that is, those who are in excess of forty years old and up, even those rapidly approaching the sixty year mark. It has been the product of some thinking and assessing over the last several months concerning what we collectively have accomplished over the last forty years. The passage of time provides us with a vantage point that we simply do not have while involved in the thick of things, and yet is quite necessary to avail ourselves of if we are to move forward positively and productively with the remaining time God has allotted each of us.

Much of what is included in the following is not very flattering. The reader is therefore forewarned that while I have attempted to smooth things out a bit, this is not the sort of treatise that is going to give you many strokes.

First, let me say that one of the few areas in which good progress has been made has been in the area of education. I would identify the proliferation of alternative education as generally a substantial move forward. Many of us have self-consciously chosen to provide our children with a specifically Christ centered education as opposed to sending the heritage of the Lord off to the indoctrination camps of Baal. The intent here has been to provide them with an education that affirms the Lordship of Christ with the Bible as the foundation not only of faith and practice, but indeed also as defining all of reality. This hopefully will prepare them to go out and conduct the war of faith with a consistency that we have not attained to. The proof, as the saying goes, will be in the pudding.

In conjunction with our commitment to a better and more godly education, it must be acknowledged that we have almost entirely failed to develop a consistent and faithfully Christian covenantal culture. Have you ever wondered why so many of the youth in our churches seem to only ape the current fads of unbelievers? Why are clothing fads, music, and other cultural expressions of our young people generally thinly disguised copies of the latest pop culture? It seems to me that this can only be the result of our not appreciating and demonstrating that we understand how Christ has separated us, as His people, from the destructive and ungodly society in which we find ourselves. We almost certainly have made some very poor choices along the way from where we started to where we are now. The solution to this problem is not to simply insist on classical music, classical art, classical literature, and so on in such a way that it demonstrates that the contemporary Church is either stuck in the 16th century or, alternately, to compromise with the spirit of our day and become a bunch or rappers, punkers, or death-rockers. In many ways, we ourselves seem to be stuck in some sort of neither-nor place that has caused us to be incapable of constructing a culture that is both faithful and lively while avoiding that which is layered with dust or refuse.

In assessing the last forty years, it is impossible but to conclude that we have been colossal failures in a few very critical areas. These are big, Ten Commandment issues, and not things like determining what color the church carpet should be. Particularly, we have not fully engaged our declining society with the Gospel in such a way that diminishes and punishes theft, that adequately protects life, which affirms biblical ethics and morality, and asserts the actual Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of the earth, here and now, and not just in the world to come.

Here’s a test. Have we exercised our faith and application of the Gospel in such a way that has eliminated or diminished governmental theft and control of nearly every area of life? Can we conduct our lives in the fear of God and in conformity to His laws without running, at some point, afoul of rules that the followers of Baal have enacted and enforce? Have we stood to defend our neighbors as the wicked in our communities have sought to plunder them in schemes which really just redistribute our neighbor’s resources while asserting control over their property? Does truly private property still exist anywhere in this nation? Has the carnage of abortion stopped? Or have we merely been reduced to arguing over issues like parental consent and certain procedural restrictions that still result in a dead baby? Has this shedding of innocent blood been stopped, and has the assured wrath of God in relationship to this great iniquity been assuaged? Have the sodomites returned to the closet, or do we continue to have to defend a biblical definition of marriage rather than debating what punishment is just for those committing such onerous criminal sins? Can we even talk openly, either in public or privately, of the fact that these perversions are morally indefensible? Can the pulpits of Christian churches be used to identify and criticize public officials who, in rebellion against God, traitorously tyrannize and oppress their fellow citizens while perverting justice beyond any recognizable form? Where is the progress that even begins to suggest that we have exercised godly influence and authority in the last forty years? It seems that the evidence of this time period strongly suggests that we are savorless salt. And we all know what that is good for.

How has this all happened? How have we all become convinced that we have been making progress all this time when the current situation provides evidence of just the opposite? I would suggest that this has occurred through a combination of faithlessness, unfaithfulness, and outright unbelief.

First, we have simply not taken God at His word. Jesus Christ is king. His declarations define what reality actually is. We should stop trying to get around it. We need to fully submit ourselves to Him without the reservations we have withheld all of these years. We should believe the things He says to believe, and do the things He says to do. We have, in an ever so subtle manner, slipped into a materialistic slumber that has prevented us from standing for many things we should because we are afraid of the impact on our personal prosperity and security. We have simply refrained in resisting evil in many instances because it is hard work. So our faithlessness has led directly to our unfaithfulness.

Worse (almost) than this is our sad condition of unbelief. We seem to believe that God can do nothing to correct all of this. “This” has become normative for us, and though we complain long and loudly about it, in some circles, we are not willing to do anything about it. In effect we have become the consummate complainers rather than faithful hearers and doers of the Word and work. And any one who suggests that we actually do something is summarily dismissed as a crank or a wing-nut. At best we have become reactionaries when necessary, and not pro-active in much. We need to repent of our denial that a problem exists.

But the Bible insists that if God is for us, who can be against us? If we are seeking to bring all things into conformity to God’s will, according to His Word, what are we to fear? If we are to become dragon slayers, we need to engage the whole critter, and not be confined to our little personal and ecclesiastical ghettos. We must take the Gospel into the public square and declare that Christ is King over what goes on there also. But this will require a substantial shakeup in perception and in how we do nearly everything. Christ is Lord, and when anyone challenges this fact we must repudiate it in word and deed. Only then will we have something of substance to pass on to the next generation.

So, we had better get to work. Most of us in this peer group have only, say, another twenty years of productivity left. Time is shorter now than it was. This should be motivating. But we first need to confess our sins, repent in godly sorrow, reaffirm our faith, and prepare to meet the coming challenges head on. Even if it cost us, and costs us dearly.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

July 4, 2007

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."

Having made his initial presentation on the certainty and the accompanying assurance of the Christian gospel, offering five points of practical application, the apostle James then launches into a warning against hypocrisy and self delusion. He makes a direct comparison between hearing and obedience on one hand, and hearing and disobedience on the other. In this manner, he is contending that the word is a mirror to the soul. It shows us exactly what and who we are in relation to the declared Word of God. The one who ignores (forgets) what he is shown in the reflection walks away without concern about what has been revealed about him, and the implication is that he does so to his own peril. He has successfully deluded himself. Conversely, the one who hears and diligently considers what has been revealed to him by the reflection, considers it, pursues obedience (is a doer), and is the one who will be rewarded. His obedience displays his acceptance of the engrafted word.

I want to suggest to you that this applies not only to us as individuals, but also to us as a culture and a nation. We have become a forgetful people. We have forgotten our roots and have become indifferent as to why we have arrived at this juncture. Those of us who have taken a look behind us, in history, have been astounded at what was accomplished in the past, particularly in the infancy of our nation. The newer, prevailing culture wants to ignore much of the importance of the influence of the Protestant churches in those very important, formative years. The fact of the matter is that the English were quite justified in insisting that many of the pastors of the time, that “black robed regiment”, were among the foremost “instigators” of what the Britons considered to be a rebellion.

To demonstrate this, I have selected some excerpts from a few of the clergymen of the colonial period. These faithful men were not at all shy about speaking to the issues and conflicts of their day, and to urge those in their audiences to faithful action.

This first section is from Samuel Davies, the pastor under whom Patrick Henry studied as a young man. Davies went on to become the president of Princeton before his untimely death at 37 years of age. These quotes come from a sermon given at the outbreak of the French and Indian War.

God has distinguished us with a religion from heaven; and hitherto we have enjoyed the quiet and unrestrained exercise of it; he has condescended to be a God to our nation, and to honour our cities with his gracious presence, and the institutions of his worship, the means to make us wise, good, and happy….

But now the scene is changed; now we begin to experience in our turn the fate of the nations of the earth. Our territories are invaded by the power and perfidy of France; our frontiers ravaged by merciless savages, and our fellow-subjects there murdered with all the horrid arts of Indian and Popish torture…

These calamities have not come upon us without warning. We were long ago apprised of the ambitious schemes of our enemies, and their motions to carry them into execution; and had we taken timely measures, they might have been crushed before they could have arrived at such a formidable height. But how have we generally behaved in such a critical time? Alas! our country has been sunk in a deep sleep; a stupid security has unmanned the inhabitants: they could not realize a danger at the distance of two or three hundred miles; they would not be persuaded that even French Papists could seriously design us an injury; and hence little or nothing has been done for the defense of our country, in time, except by the compulsion of authority. And now, when the cloud thickens over our heads, and alarms every thoughtful mind with its near approach, multitudes, I am afraid, are still dissolved in careless security, or enervated with an effeminate, cowardly spirit.

We have also suffered our poor fellow-subjects, in the frontier counties, to fall prey to blood-thirsty savages, without affording them proper assistance, which, as members of the same body politic, they had a right to expect…they are left to shift for themselves.
(Notice Davies’ concern that they had failed to love their neighbors by responding to their calamities in a more earnest and timely manner, and his expressed concern about the apathy of the populace. Nothing new here, is there? He then offers his assessment of the problem.)
We and our countrymen are sinners, aggravated sinners: God proclaims that we are such by his judgments now upon us, by withering fields and scanty harvests, by the sound of the trumpet and the alarm of war.

Pass over the land, take a survey of the inhabitants, inspect into their conduct, and what do you see? What do you hear? You see the gigantic forms of vice braving the skies, and bidding defiance to heaven and earth, while religion and virtue are obliged to retire, to avoid public contempt and insult: you see herds of drunkards swilling down their cups, and drowning all the man within them: you hear the swearer venting his fury against God and man, trifling with that name which prostrate angels adore, and imprecating that damnation, under which the hardiest devil in hell trembles and groans: you see Avarice hoarding up her useless treasures, dishonest Craft planning her schemes of unlawful gain, and Oppression unmercifully grinding the face of the poor, you see Prodigality squandering her stores, Luxury spreading her table, and unmanning her guests: Vanity laughing aloud and dissolving in empty, unthinking mirth, regardless of God and our country, or time and eternity; Sensuality wallowing in brutal pleasures, and aspiring, with inverted ambition, to sink as low as her four-footed brethren to the stall: you see cards more in use than the Bible, the backgammon table (and maybe X-box or netflix?) more frequented than the table of the Lord, plays and romances more read than the history of the blessed Jesus…

Similarly, Samuel Langdon was a pastor who eventually rose to the presidency at Harvard. The following citations come from a sermon he preached on May 31, 1775, a very short time after the beginning of the armed conflict which had been initiated on April 19 at Concord and Lexington. He first speaks of the unlawful acts and oppression of the British and the justifiable response of the colonists to aggression.

We have lived to see the time when British liberty is just ready to expire; when that constitution of government which has so long been the glory and strength of the English nation, is deeply undermined and ready to tumble into ruins--when America is threatened with cruel oppression, and the arm of power is stretched out against New England, and especially against this colony, to compel us to submit to the arbitrary acts of legislators who are not our representatives, and who will not themselves bear the least part of the burdens which, without mercy, they are laying upon us.

That we might not have it in our power to refuse the most absolute submission to their unlimited claims of authority, they have not only endeavored to terrify us with fleets and armies sent to our capital, and distressed and put an end to our trade, particularly that important branch of it, the fishery, but at length attempted, by a sudden march of a body of troops in the night, to seize and destroy one of our magazines, formed by the people merely for their own security; if, as after such formidable military preparation on the other side, matters should not be pushed to an extremity. By this, as might well be expected, a skirmish was brought on; and it is most evident, from a variety of concurring circumstances, as well as numerous depositions, both of the prisoners taken by us at that time, and our men then on the spot only as spectators, that the fire began first on the side of the king's troops. At least five or six of our inhabitants were murderously killed by the regulars at Lexington, before any man attempted to return the fire, and when they were actually complying with the command to disperse; and two more of our brethren were likewise killed at Concord Bridge by a fire from the king's soldiers, before the engagement began on our side. But whatever credit falsehoods transmitted to Great Britain from the other side may gain, the matter may be rested entirely on this--that he that arms himself to commit a robbery, and demands the traveler's purse, by the terror of instant death, is the first aggressor, though the other should take the advantage of discharging his pistol first and killing the robber.

The alarm was sudden; but in a very short time spread far and wide; the nearest neighbors in haste ran together to assist their brethren, and save their country. Not more than three or four hundred met in season, and bravely attacked and repulsed the enemies of liberty, who retreated with great precipitation.
That ever-memorable day, the nineteenth of April, is the date of an unhappy war openly begun, by the ministers of the king of Great Britain, against his good subjects in this colony, and implicitly against all the colonies. But for what? Because they have made a noble stand for their natural and constitutional rights, in opposition to the machinations of wicked men, who are betraying their royal master, establishing Popery in the British dominions, and aiming to enslave and ruin the whole nation, that they may enrich themselves and their vile dependents with the public treasures, and the spoils of America.

(Langdon goes on to insist that they had not been rash, indeed they had pursued a peaceable resolve to the problems. The responses had been more vigorous oppressions.)

We have used our utmost endeavors, by repeated humble petitions and remonstrances--by a series of unanswerable reasonings published from the press, in which the dispute has been fairly stated, and the justice of our opposition clearly demonstrated--and by the mediation of some of the noblest and most faithful friends of the British constitution, who have powerfully pleaded our cause in Parliament--to prevent such measures as may soon reduce the body politic to a miserable, dismembered, dying trunk, though lately the terror of all Europe. But our king, as if impelled by some strange fatality, is resolved to reason with us only by the roar of his cannon, and the pointed arguments of muskets and bayonets. Because we refuse submission to the despotic power of a ministerial Parliament, our own sovereign, to whom we have been always ready to swear true allegiance--whose authority we never meant to cast off--who might have continued happy in cheerful obedience, as faithful subjects as any in his dominions--has given us up to the rage of his ministers, to be seized at sea by the rapacious commanders of every little sloop of war and piratical cutter, and to be plundered and massacred by land by mercenary troops, who know no distinction betwixt an enemy and a brother, between right and wrong; but only, like brutal pursuers, to hunt and seize the prey pointed out by their masters.

(Where did Langdon believe the fundamental problem lay? Listen.)

But, alas! Have not the sins of America, and of New England in particular, had a hand in bringing down upon us the righteous judgments of Heaven? Wherefore is all this evil come upon us? Is it not because we have forsaken the Lord? Can we say we are innocent of crimes against God? No, surely; it becomes us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, that He may exalt us in due time. However unjustly and cruelly we have been treated by man, we certainly deserve, at the hand of God, all the calamities in which we are now involved… Have we not departed from their virtues? Though I hope and am confident that as much true religion, agreeable to the purity and simplicity of the gospel, remains among us as among any people in the world, yet in the midst of the present great apostasy of the nations professing Christianity, have not we likewise been guilty of departing from the living God? Have we not made light of the gospel of salvation, and too much affected the cold, formal, fashionable religion of countries grown old in vice and overspread with infidelity? Do not our follies and iniquities testify against us? Have we not, especially in our seaports, gone much too far into the pride and luxuries of life? Is it not a fact open to common observation that profaneness, intemperance, unchastity, the love of pleasure, fraud, avarice, and other vices, are increasing among us from year to year? And have not even these young governments been in some measure infected with the corruptions of European courts? Has there been no flattery, no bribery, no artifices practiced, to get into places of honor and profit, or carry a vote to serve a particular interest, without regard to right or wrong? Have our statesmen always acted with integrity and every judge with impartiality, in the fear of God?
(Indeed, one may ask, have they or not?)

Also consider this from Moses Mather a pastor who was a graduate from Yale and became, as one editor puts it, “an especially obnoxious personality to Tories in his vicinity; he was even twice imprisoned for his views…” What did his views include? Consider this citation from 1775.

Slavery consists in being wholly under the power and controul of another, as to our actions and properties: And he that hath authority to restrain and controul my conduct in any instance, without my consent, hath in all. And he that hath right to take one penny of my property, without my consent, hath right to take all. For, deprive us of this barrier of our liberties and properties, our own consent: and there remains no security against tyranny and absolute despotism on one hand, and total abject, miserable slavery on the other. For power is entire and indivisible: and property is single and pointed as an atom. All is our’s, and nothing can be taken from us, but by our consent: or nothing is our’s, and all may be taken, without our consent. The right of dominion over the persons and properties of others, is not natural, but derived: and there are but two sources from whence it can be derived: from the almighty, who is the absolute proprietor of all, and from our own free consent. Why then wrangle we so long about a question so short and easy of decision? Why this mighty din of war, and garments roll’d in blood: the seas covered with fleets, the land with armies, and the nation rushing on swift destruction? Let the parliament shew their warrant, the diploma and patent of their power to rule over America, derived from either of the above fountains, and we will not contend: but if they cannot, wherefore do they contend with us? For even a culprit has right to challenge of the executioner, the warrant of his power, or refuse submission.

So, as is evident from this small sampling, the voices of the Protestant churches were hardly silent during this period. Neither could they be characterized as a sort of “follow – on action”. These men were deeply concerned and committed in addressing the issues of the day from the perspective of the Gospel of Christ. They spoke directly to the issues of sin, repentance, morality, law, justice, governance, and more. They directly charged their congregants and neighbors to action in relation to these issues in their particular circumstance, insisting that this was merely an appropriate response to the commands of Christ; to love God and keep His commandments, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

We are involved in a war. All wars and conflicts are inherently religious. By this I mean that when nations and peoples have issues which cannot seemingly be resolved by peaceable means, it is because of irreconcilable differences in fundamental world view concepts. Every man has religious commitments to what he believes to be fundamental, absolute truth, and he holds these as such whether or not he ascribes this to Deity or other sources. Faith commitments are inescapable; it is only a matter of where that faith is placed. Davies’ and Langdon’s recognition of this nature of conflict may not correspond identically to our circumstance today, but it is nonetheless true in principal.

We are in what has been defined as a “culture war”. This is only one way of saying that the cannon have not been deployed yet. Many of us are old enough to have been involved with this war for nearly forty years. And the question needs to be asked, brethren, “Are we winning?” Is Christ the King honored more today in our land than forty years ago? Has the holocaust of abortion ceased? Has the pompous, presumptuous idolatry of the secularist state been abated? Are the enemies of Christ on the run, and the gates of the cities ruled by godly, confessing Christians? Are we secure in our persons and property? If so, then this presentation is indeed superfluous. If not, then perhaps it is high time to give heed to the exhortation of the apostle James to become one of those who “looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed”, and to heed Samuel Davies’ advice to “ all join in unanimous repentance and a thorough reformation. Not only your eternal salvation requires it, but also the preservation of your country, that is now bleeding with the wounds you have given it by your sins.”

“Dissolve and melt in penitential sorrow at his feet; and he will tell you, “Arise, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you.”

Starting Over

Just like Rip Van Winkle awakening from a dream, we woke up one morning to find we could no longer access our blog. We tried for some time to overcome this problem, but as no remedy was in sight, we determined to start anew. We copied all of the older material over to here. We are not confirmed blog heads, but want to give all of this another whirl.

So, here we go again!