The big news this past week was the passage of legislation in the State of South Dakota forbidding abortion in all cases with the exception of a threat to the mother’s life. This is the kind of thing that Christians have been trying to accomplish for more than thirty years now. We should be celebrating this of course, but this signals the beginning of what is likely to be a more fierce and unusual battle.Even the passage of this legislation was less than certain a few weeks ago. There were the usual outspoken advocates of baby killing making their usual claims about “choice” and women’s “health”. But there was some unusual foot dragging among a number of normally reliable pro-life advocates and organizations. There were expressed concerns about whether such legislation could be sustained through the inevitable legal challenges, no doubt leading to the Supreme Court of the United States. Other concerns were raised as to whether this would serve to reinvigorate the pro-abortion advocates, sympathizers, and the multi-million dollar abortion industry.
It seems predictable that this will in fact make the rumored possibility of a third Supreme Court vacancy, nomination, and confirmation hearings a real three ring circus. You can bet your bottom dollar that those who favor the abomination of abortion, as well as a whole shopping list of other humanist tyrannies, will fight tooth and nail to oppose any nominee who is considered to be “conservative”, whatever that means in our current dialectic.
There are a couple of things that are of concern with all of this. First, we Christians and conservatives have shown an unnerving aptitude to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. This legislation should have been passed (a long, long time ago), and Roe v. Wade should have been rightly relegated to the dustbins of history. We seem to loose our nerve at exactly the time that we ought to press forward, worrying about the abruptness of the whole matter and forgetting that death itself is quite abrupt for the victims. This is not a time for timidity.
Second, while begun and maintained with the best of motives and concerns, the pro-life cause has become a way of earning a living for some. This is the sort of thing that occurs in almost all causes. You just need to keep those fund raising letters going out, requesting a hundred, fifty, or maybe a twenty dollar donation to effectively oppose the opponents of the cause. Victory means that you now, maybe after twenty years or so, have to find a new occupation.
In the final analysis we need to remember some basic things. First, there is a God in heaven Who has declared His righteous indignation on any who murder, and particularly upon those who kill their offspring, offering them on the altar of any idol. This nation has suffered the consequences of this rebellion against God for over thirty years, and His wrath has not been abated a bit, likely being stored up for an appropriate visitation. Confession of sin and repentance remain the only remedy, and in this case it requires putting an end to this abomination.In the event this all makes it to consideration by the Supreme Court, we should be praying and fasting that this curse be lifted from us. If Roe v. Wade is, in fact, struck down, we should rejoice in a manner not seen in this land in our lifetimes, if ever. But remember, the nullification of Roe will send the matter back to the respective States. And we can expect the hand of God to rest heavily on those who elect to continue the carnage in their areas.It would be advisable for us to sharpen up our swords a bit.
The battle has just begun.
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